
blah blah blah its all about me today :P

a) my personal writing interests: i really like writing poetry, i think its a lot easier than short stories, but i like to write stories too, they just always end up really cheesy.
b) I really enjoy tolkein, its like SO COOL that he invented all those languages out of his head its like mind boggleing. i also enjoy Tamora Pierce which is also fantasy but it reads like historical fiction because of how she sets up her world. I love that kind of thing so i also like CS Lewis and his Narnia books.
c) example of my own writing will be in another post because i like it to stand alone, not with all this other rambling of mine.

okey dokey thats all, now go read my poem.


Michelle said...

I'm not alone in the cheesy-turned short stories! YAY!!!!!!

Caro's Blog said...

This is Carolin and I am in your writing group now. I really like to write poems, too. There are so much better than short stries or anything else. The best way to write down your thoughts.