
Acts 20:24

Acts 20:24
I consider my life worth nothing if only i may finish the race to complete the task that the Lord Jesus has given me; the task of testifying to the gosple of God's grace.

1. I first read the bible when i was first learning to read :P
my little kid picture book bible. but this verse i memorized last year for Bible Quizzing and it stuck with me.

2. This verse hits me because Paul was like totally bent on doing what ever God wanted him to do. It also hits me because as a runner i can relate it to my race experience. Even though you're in pain, you keep going because the only thing on your mind is finishing.

3. passage above, significance already explained.

4. prompt:
what drives your life?/ what makes life worth living for you?

(trrruuuee laaaaaaavvve.
true love! he said true love! you cannot ask for a more noble cause than that!

true love is the nobelest cause in the world- except a mlt- mutton lettuce and tomatoe sandwich, where the mutton is nice and lean... but he clearly said 'to blaaave' and we all know to blave means to bluff so he was probably playing cards and he cheated


... ok i'll stop, i LOVE that movie, my whole family can quote it like practically all the way through. for extra brownie points name that movie!)


.//blog said...

I drive my life.
i feel like living what other reason is there?

Michelle said...

My life is worth living for my friends. They protect me and I protect them. I guess it's a win/win situation. I live and I help them with what they need me to do and they protect me from the horrors in life...They are the reason my life is worth living.

Bethany Joy said...

what? no guesses on the movie?!?!
Ben if you read this pleez comment and teach these ppl a thing or two about classic fantasy.

Nechuru said...

ben's reading.

you guys.

pb. does that help?

princess bride!

wait... am i right?

havent seen it in a while.

good post by the way.

Nechuru said...

"i usually listen to uplifting music or call one of my friends. If i choose music i usually listen to Gofish or Newsboys or just turn the radio to KTIS. The thing i appreciate most about my friends is that they will always find time to talk to me when i'm feeling low."

this is very true. of me anyway.

though it seems to not happen much.

youre usually 'low' at me...

now ive made myself sad...