

i miss summer.
i miss talking to you.
even though i just was.

i miss freedom.
i miss driving.
even though i just was.

i miss swimming.
i miss sitting in the sun.
even though i just was.

i miss you.
even though i just saw you.
an odder anomaly
there never was

~bethany joy


Caro's Blog said...

But there will be a next summer soon. Because time goes fast and most times faster than you expect. So just hold on and you will swimm, drive and love again. This poem is about a beatyful summer, with a friend. And my favorite line in this poem is "even though I just was" Because sometimes you something right after or ever befor you lost it.

Caro's Blog said...

I like this poem more bacause it is about missing and love. And I like the lines because they match toghter.