
Assignment MM1 (Mr. Miles 1)

3. What is one piece of art (painting, movie, book, song, whatever) that has greatly inspired you? What is that piece and what about it has inspired you? Explain in detail.

This is not going to paint me as a person the way I want others to see me. But I have been inspired by this series of books and movies, both in how they were made and the actual content. That does not make me a freak or obsessed (ahem britta) nor does the poster on the door to my room; all that does is mean that I think Legolas is hot, which I dont think anyone can deny anyway.
The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien is a masterpiece of literature. The fact that he invented an entire alternate world with its own languages and cultures and histories and even its own mythology! And the conflicts that his characters go through are very real and applicable and inspiring! And if I ever was to pick a book or world to land in as a character, that would be it.
The reason the movies inspire me separately from the things the characters overcome is how the cast and crew worked together to keep the movies as true to tolkien as possible and how they were able to bring something so dear to people's hearts to life without breaking their hearts. And the amount of work and effort put in was a real testimony to what people can acheive when they're all passionate about a common goal.
So yeah, thats why I'm inspired by LOTR


.//blog said...

LOR is really good, but what do you mean by how they were made?
I like it too. then I found Gundam Seed

Caro's Blog said...

LOL is the best triology ever. I love the movies, too and Legolas....

Michelle said...

I guess it is true that Legolas is hott....and Yes I cannot deny the fact that...well....LOTR IS AMAZING!!!!
What truely inspires you about LOTR?

Mr. Miles said...

I love LOR too. I hope Peter Jackson gets to make THE HOBBIT. :)

When I see the movies, I also appreciate them for their deeper themes. I think the hunger for power is something that is very dangerous, and our inability to resist temptation in that area is as well.

.//blog said...

there is already a bad animated version of the hobbit, but I'd like to see a movie version too.