
Assignment 4 part two: what makes a good short story

1) a plot is very necessary for a short story to be good. with out plot, nothing happens, and if nothing happens, the characters don't change, and if the characters don't change, there is no point to the story. Thus a plot is necessary.
2) Strong interesting characters. it is important for the characters of a story to 1) exist and 2) be somewhat developed in order to keep the readers attention.
3) emotion. a story is boring with out emotion.
4) originality: people don't want to read the same thing over and over again- usually. unless they really really liked it the first time. and to like it the first time it needs to be original :P
5) relativity- people need to be able to relate to the characters and the situation
6) spontinaety- its more enjoyable if you can't predict what exactly will happen.
7) conflict- its necessary to promote change, and change= not boring.
8) suspense- keep people on the edge of their seats and turning the pages.
9) action- good way to hold suspense- fightscenes are a great action element to add
10) Love. not necessairly romance, but if the only emotion in a story is hate, its hard to love the story.


Caro's Blog said...

I think a good story needs a lot of emotion and a good character you can identify with, too. I also agree with the rest of you points.

weird_werewolf said...

Hmf, well, it's not like love and hate are the only emotions that exist.

Bethany Joy said...

i know, but the lack of love is hate. sorta. i just meant if everything is negative its not as enjoyable to read.