
Assignment 7

I think I enjoyed the poetry unit the most. I dont know why. I guess its easier and it really let me express my emotions on the page better than any other form so far. besides ranting.

My strongest piece is the short story I wrote based on the balck and white picture of a bouquet of roses. I haven't written very many good short stories before and I really dont have a ton of inspiration in that way so I was suprised at how well it turned out.

I dont need a ton of structure and direction. Too much structure and direction really cramps my style. But like the picture thing worked well for me because I could just think about it and then run with something. The scary story/ the going through a change story was harder for me because I didn't really have alot of inspiration. Poe creeps me out and I dont like trying to force my characters to change if they dont want to. So I have to find a character that wants to change and for some reason I couldn't find one. So yeah.

I like writing memior style alot- but we did some of that last year so I'm thinking I'd really enjoy the challenge of writing a play. not super interested in writing a movie, but it could be fun too I guess.


Caro's Blog said...

I enjoyed writing poems, too. But i always need some instrucions for writing, because I am not so good at imagine. I think it is good, that you don't need so much instructions.

.//blog said...


Michelle said...

ahhhhh!!! I hate writing memoirs...and I hate having to write plays by myself....I did enjoy that story though!

Bethany Joy said...

i liked michelle's idea about writing plays in groups.... but...it would depend on the group. for example. i would prefer not to be in a group with Jakub because the story would turn out completely insane and people would be saying things in japanese.